The President's 7 Hats - A Creative and Strategic Approach
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July 18, 2023

The President's 7 Hats - A Creative and Strategic Approach

The Six Thinking Hats theory covers the blue, white, red, green, yellow, and black hats. This article introduces the orange hat.

The Six Thinking Hats theory covers the blue, white, red, green, yellow, and black hats. This article introduces the orange hat.

Gianfranco Ferronato
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La Ley de Kidlin

Gianfranco Ferronato

Descubre cómo la Ley de Kidlin, un concepto inspirado por una novela de James Clavell, puede ser tu herramienta definitiva para enfrentar y resolver problemas complejos en marketing y en la vida.

29 de agosto, 2023
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